Our business is to provide a complete website domain hosting web design service for all our clients ranging from one page websites to fully automated (php, MySQL and asp) e-commerce websites. Our experienced designers can accommodate them all.
We can bring all aspects of our design services to you and welcome the use of all or any part of our services as an individual component to create the perfect site for your needs. A new service of ours, Phone apps, we can build android, iPhone and blackberry apps in house right here. If you need more info, want an app for yourself OR your business – call us now. We are a small company that prides ourselves on being able to give you an individual service that you can rely and depend upon. We also have a range of qualified staff at our disposal, that we can utilized at any one time meaning you, the customer, have a task force at hand and at will.
Why choose KMW IT Services? We believe that a company that gives an all-round specialised performance and also provides the expertise that you require, why worry about “Does this keyword work with Google and Live Search.” when we can do the worrying for you, plus consider all the angles that are affected.
My name is Keith Morrison-Williams and I have 20+ Years in IT experience, I have many happy clients and suggest if you have any doubts about our integrity please contact any of our clients and ask! I have a firm belief that the truth will always be found out so why lie in the first place.
Special offer :- if you register and recommend us to someone else then you will receive 25% of that order in your account – you don’t even need to shop with us to have an account. We will give you this as a thank you for your recommendation and not as a commission. We are a Microsoft registered partner and provide all services. Email sales@kmwit.com * = subject to minor changes up to 50 words and 2 pictures per month and design is subject to complete information being presented to this company before we can start work, discrepancies in website design requirement will delay completion time.